End of Life Doula Care
Miranda is not taking clients for End of Life Doula Care at this time-
End of Life doula care consists of spiritual, physical and practical support. Varying widely from client to client we assess and find what is important to the client. From tasks like holding vigil to after death plans. Empowering the dying with the wisdom they need to make end of life decisions that reflect their unique selves.
This can look like, light household duties, emotional and spiritual support, dream companion, respite for caregivers, breathwork, life review and legacy work. End-of-Life Doulas complement the care provided by family members and friends, as well as palliative and hospice professionals, within the settings of hospitals, senior care facilities, hospices, and homes. EOL Doulas support clients with compassionate care in a number of ways, including emotional, spiritual, informational, and physical support to ease anxiety, aid in comfort, and promote personalized, even positive dying passages for clients and their loved ones.
Being present in the moments after death is an incredible gift to yourself, it's a gift to the people you're with, and it's a gift to the person who's just died. They're just a hair's breath away. They're just starting their new journey in the world without a body. If you keep a calm space around their body, and in the room, they're launched in a more beautiful way. It's a service to both sides of the veil.